
Classification of Scottish Whiskies

Regardless the brands of whiskies, the whiskies can be classified as follows:-

Single Malt Whisky
Malt whisky produced from a single distillatory. It may be blended from different batchs of whisky but still can be claimed as Single Malt Whisky as long as all blended malts are from the same distillatory.

Single Grain Whisky
Similar to single malt whisky above but they are made of grain whiskies.

Pure/Blended/Vatted Malt Whisky
They refer to the same thing - malt whiskies blended from more than one distillatory.

Pure/Blended/Vatted Grain Whisky
Grain whiskies blended from more than one distillatory.

Blended Whisky
It represents more than 90% of Socttish whiskies' market. It is blended from grain and malt whiskies. Blended whisky is more pleasurable and smoother than malt whisky to most people, which is attributed by the mixing of grain whisky.




上星期買了瓶 The Speyside 12 years, 港幣三百多, 尚算合理

當時買這瓶酒時正有點猶疑, 但卻想不起問題所在

回到家後, 終於記起了! The Speyside, 一間出產了一款知名的黑威士忌 Cu Dhub 的蒸餾廠!

有甚麼知名? 知名在於劣!

這支酒評語頗劣, quoted from WhiskyFun:
Cu Dhub (40%, OB) ... starts quite weirdly, on overcooked coffee and cheap perfume, with some smoke – some smoke from an exhaust pipe, that is. Pear drops, orange marmalade… Not ‘too’ bad in fact but the bigger problems are soon to arrive, with some strange notes of stale Campari, Schweppes, ‘chemical’ orange juice (Tang), cheap grapefruit juice, bubblegum, grape juice… Lots of aromas you don’t usually find in a single malt, in fact. Funny, yes, it’s funny… but almost disgusting as well! Mouth: ouch! Weak and watery attack, on old vase water. Develops on all sorts of ‘chemical’ tastes: Nutrasweet, cheap sweets, rotten orange zest, American restaurant coffee at the end of the day, burnt butter… Yuck! Now, this one is a swill! Finally, the Loch Dhu has found its evil master, it appears! He he he… 35 points.

我這支 The Speyside 12 years 也不見得好
MaltManiacs Monitor: 74-76
WhiskyFun: 71
Whisky Magazine forum 更是劣評如潮


好歹都要飲的, 開瓶!

酒色較淡, 就如金黃的大麥, 沒有令人討厭的焦糖色, 應該是波本桶的

氣味不錯, 輕輕的香草, 麥甜, 雖則簡單, 但令人舒暢

入口微甜, 輕煙燻, 苦味感強

回味方面, 麥甜, 煙燻, 苦味纏繞不斷


幸好, 已比想像中的算好了


Scottish Whisky Basic - Malt & Grain Whiskies

There are many types of scottish whisky in the market- blended, single malts, pure malts & etc.

Basically, all these whiskies are sourced from one and/or two basic whiskies, namely malt whisky and grain whisky respectively.

Malt Whisky:

Obviously, it is made from the malt. Barley, under appropriate humidity and temperature, sprouts that called malt.
Dry and grind up the malt. Mix the malt powder with hot water that starch saccharifies to sugar. Yeast is added to the mash and fermentation then starts. A series of chemical reactions take place that turn sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Oh man, is it beer? Yes, this solution is quit similiar to beer, alcohol 5-7% by volume, so-called wash.

The wash is then pumped into a pot still, normally made from copper which is called wash still. First distillation produces spirit known as new wine with alcohol at about 20-40% by volume. The new wine is then processed second distillation at spirit still and final solution, the new spirit with alcohol at 60-70% by volume is output for next process - maturation.

Normally Scottish malt whiskies process double distillations while some distillatories do process the third distillation. However, there is only one distillatory doing true triple distillations in Scotland, Auchentoshan of Lowland. The rest mix triple distilled whiskies with standard double distilled whiskies for bottling.

The new spirit matures in barrel for not less than 3 years being claimed as "Whisky" in accordance with UK law. The whisky will then be directly bottled or blended with other malts and/or grain whisky (noramally diulted by water to alcohol by volume not less than 40% before bottling).

Grain Whisky:

The raw materials include all kinds of grain, such as barley, rye, corn, wheat & etc. Malted barley may also be added but it plays only as a minor actor in this act. The making of grain whisky is similiar to malt whisky but no malting and drying are required. Distillation makes use of column still to process continuous distillation which is more efficient and therefore inexpensive than pot still distillation.